
New performances booked

I have booked some concerts for the Summer. You can look under the title ”Concerts”.
Hasse Larsson and II will perform songs from the record that I released i June ”Red Fairy Tales”.
Hasse Larsson playes the Bass and I play the grand piano and sing.


The Foundation is done

Today I was in the studio finishing the last song.
We have the foundation now and we will start to take in musicians.
The songs are really unic in their arrangement, I think we have come up with a new musical genre.
I will reveal the name of it later.

Tomorrow I have a gig in Fredhäll, Kungsholmen at 18.00.


New recordings

Today I was in the studio with Stefan Blomqvist, the producer.
We are recording some new songs that I wrote this Summer and we produce a completely new musicstyle.
Stefan have a special sound to his music that only he can do and I have my own style. When we put them togheter we get something really interesting, new and different. We will look at the production and see which musicians will be suitable for the music.
This will be really cool!


New Style

I am aware that it has been a long silence from me, I´m currently working on a new album.
This album will be completely different from the last ones!

Recording the last album my producer Stefan Blomkvist discovered some great changes in my voice when we pushed it to the limit.
He said ”You have a lot of soul in your voice!”

This summer was all about writing soul music. I composed a whole album and right now we are arranging parts of it.
It´s very exciting!



Today I played flute and sang on a funeral. It was a very graceful funeral and I sang together with the organ.

I also have a performance coming up this weekend in Viksjö Church.
We are playing Asian music.

Idag var jag solist på en begravning. Jag sjöng ”För kärlekens skull”, Gabriellas sång” och spelade ”Så skimrande var aldrig havet” på tvärflöjt.
På söndag blir det asiatiskt. Då spelar jag i Viksjö kyrka kl. 11.00.



Idag fick jag en fin recension på nya skivan ”Red Fairy Tales” i tidningen ”Se hit”!

I got a nice review on my new album in the paper ”Se hit!” today!


St Görans kyrka

Idag var jag solist i St Görans kyrka. Det var så häftigt för mitt i predikan kom det en störtskur som passade in i det som framfördes!
Efteråt kom det fram folk och ville höra mer av musiken, det var kul! Fick en del kramar och kärlek av ”publiken”.
Älskar när folk blir berörda!
Till er som var där (och andra som tittar in här) kan ni höra min nysläppta skiva från i juni där b. la. Janne Schaffer medverkar på spotify.

Today I performed solo in St Görans church.
It was so cool in the middle of the sermon, cause it started to rain at the exact right moment! It really fitted in with what the priest said.
People came to me afterwards and gave me hugs and asked a lot about the music. It felt like a lot of love there!
If you want to hear my music you can listen at spotify.
My new album ”Red Fairy Tales”:


Mörkö Kyrka på lördag 15/7

Tack alla som kom till Möja i onsdags när Hasse Larsson (bas) och jag spelade. Vi spelade på Jeppes Gästgiveri och Möja Värsdhus. Båda spelningarna började med ett fåtal i publiken och slutade med fullsatt, jättekul!
På lördag åker Hasse och jag vidare till Mörkö Kyrka där vi spelar klockan 18.00 från nya skivan ”Red Fairy Tales”, vi ses!

Thank´s for attending to the conserts on Möja this wednesday! It was a fantastic day! Hasse Larsson (bass) and I performed at Jeppes Gästgiveri and Möja Värdshus. Both performances started with a small crew that grew to a whole crowd, lovely!
On Saturday we perform at Mörkö Kyrka 18.oo. welcome!


Spelning ikväll

Idag spelar jag o Hasse i Västerleds kyrka (Bromma) kl. 19.30.
Vi kommer att spela låtar från nya platta ”Red Fairy Tales” Välkommen!

Tonight Hasse Larsson and I will perform in Västerleds church (Bromma) at 19.30.
We will plays songs from my new albur ”Red Fairy Tales”. Welcome!


Brännkyrka kyrka 23/6

Idag 23/6 spelar jag i Brännkyrka kyrka kl. 16.00 med Robert Zelizi på bas.
Vi kommer att spela låtar från nya skivan ”Red Fairy Tales”.
Vill man dansa runt midsommarstången innan kan man komma vid 14.00.

Performance today 23/6 16.00 at Brännkyrka Kyrka.
Me and Robert Zelizi (bass) plays songs from my new album ”Red Fairy Tales”.