New single
My new single ”Vara din sol” will be out on spotify in 18 January 2017. I can´t wait!
My new single ”Vara din sol” will be out on spotify in 18 January 2017. I can´t wait!
The release of ”A brand new day” have got things happen.
Some international sites and podcasts has contacted me.
We had the goal to reach 3000 plays in december and it already has 3000 plays in 2 weeks so it´s a good sign for the album release in January.
It´s a bit stressful getting the album finished but I think we´ll make it in time.
The songs are recorded except for the Trumpet and Trombone and some of the mixes are done.
Today I´m goin to the studio to finish the song ”Bakom din ridå” (Behind the curtain) and do some mixing together with Stefan Blomqvist.
A brand new day is now on spotify!
You can listen here:
You may also follow me on spotify. 🙂
All guitars are done and we are processing it. On Thursday we will cut some more guitar and I will play the grand piano to get a live feeling on the songs.
In October there is a single coming out on Spotify. Watch out for it!
Välkommen till St Eriks kapell på Kungsholmen ikväll kl. 19.00
Sofia Ullman, Piano och sång
Hasse Larsson, kontra och elbas
Fri entré
Welcome to St Eriks Kapell tonight at 19.00
Sofia Ullman: Piano and Vocals
Hasse Larsson: Electric and double bass
Free entrance
Lördag 16/7 spelar jag och Hasse Larsson på Pärlan på Möja kl. 21.00.
Entré 100 kr.
Söndag 17/7 spelning på Skansen, Seglora Kyrka kl. 15.00
Entré till Skansen: 180 kr.
Sofia Ullman: Sång och piano
Hasse Larsson: Bas (kontra) och sång
Saturday 16/7 Performance on Pärlan, Möja at 21.
Entrance Fee: 100 kr
Sunday 17/7 Performance on Skansen, Seglora Church at 15.
Entrance Fee to Skansen: 180 kr
Sofia Ullman: Vocals and piano
Hasse Larsson: Base and vocals
Tack alla som kom till Karlholms kyrka i lördags.
Det var en fin liten ort som kändes som Änglagård. Väldigt mysigt ställe!
Igår var Claes Crona här och la piano till min nya platta som kommer efter jul och idag har Hasse Larsson varit här och repat inför våra spelningar.
Imorn torsdag 7/7 spelar vi i Brännkyrka kyrka (Älvsjö) kl. 19.00, fri entré. Välkommen!
Thank´s for the last performance in Karlholms church.
Yesterday Claes Crona was here and recorded piano for my next album.
Today the basist Hasse Larsson was here to rehearsal for our next gig.
Tomorrow we play in Brännkyrka kyrka (Älvsjö) at 19, welcome!
Välkommen till Karlholms kyrka imorn kl. 18.00.
Då spelar jag tillsammans med kontrabasisiten Hasse Larsson.
Fri entré!
Welcome tomorrow to Karlholms kyrka at 18.00.
Hasse Larsson on Bass and I play the piano and sing. No fee.