
Recordings and musicvideo

Yesterday we recorded bass and drums for the next album. Hasse Larsson on bass and Kjell Gustavsson on drums.
They have played for a long time and they played really good and tight.
When all 8 songs where recorded I said ”Maybe we should change the drums and have drum beaters instead of drumsticks on all the songs”. I was not popular then. 🙂
But we didn´t redo it, however I will rerecord the piano on some of the songs.
Soon I will come up with a new musicvideo. Do you remember that I recorded a song called ”Byta dina glasögon”?
Well, that song will have a musicvideo really soon.

Igår la vi bas och trummor på de sista fyra låtar till nya skivan.
Hasse Larsson på bas och Kjell Gustavsson på trummor.
När vi var klara och alla låtar inspelade sa jag ”Hörrni jag gillar nog bättre soundet på trumvispar än trumstockar till låtarna. Ska vi göra om dom?” Då var jag inte populär. 🙂
Jag kommer att lägga om pianot på vissa av låtarna och arra för andra instrument, t.ex. klarinett.
Kommer du ihåg att jag har gjort en låt som heter ”Byta dina glasögon”? Den låten ska bli till en musikvideo nu.
Snart kommer videon ut så håll utkik.



Lately I have been focused on recording new songs with the musicians Hasse Larsson (bass) and Kjell Gustavsson (drums).
My debutalbum ”Shades of Red” is up on spotify and i-tunes since a month ago and it gets more listeners every day.

På sistone har jag varit fokuserad på att spela in nya låtar med basisten Hasse Larsson och trummisen Kjell Gustavsson.
Mitt debutalbum ”Shades of Red” finns på Spotify och i-tunes sen några veckor tillbaka och får mer lyssnare för varje dag.


Performance tomorrow

Tomorrow (Wednesday 11/2) I play in upplands Väsby, Gamla Vägen 25 at 14.00.
You are very welcome!
Don´t forget to check out my new album ”Shades of Red” on spotify and i-tunes.

Imorn (onsdag 11/2) spelar jag i Upplands Väsby Gamla Vägen 25 kl. 14.00.
Lyssna gärna på min nya skiva ”Shades of Red” på spotify och i-tunes. Releasen var i lördags.


The ullmans and performance from ”Shades of Red”

this weekend I had two performances. The first one was at a solist on a funeral. I played the flute.
they had asked the singer Björn skifs to come and sing to but he couldn´t meka it that day.

on Saturday I played from the record ”Shades of Red” in Stockholm on a big stage by the grand piano.
It was during a dinner.
After the dinner me and my brothers played all night. we call oourselfs ”The Ullmans”. It feels so natural to play with them! People danced a lot and had fun.
the gig ended at 01.00 and I smiled all night at how fun it is to play with my brothers.


Hijazz thursday 21.00

Tomorrow Thursday 3/12 i will play at Hijazz in Uppsala at 21.00.
I will play songs from my debutalbum ”Shades of Red”.
You are so welcome to join!



I have been to Mallorca with my mum and then taking driving lessons but now I´m back home.
I´m focusing on a new album and new performings.
Right now I have a lot of Scores and sheet Music to write down before I can record it with the musicians.
I´m also trying to make some contacts with Germany, we will see how it continues…..


Meeting with Gert Palmcrantz

Yesterday I had a meeting with one of the most distinguished sound engineers in Sweden, Gert Palmcrantz.
He commenced his career in the late 1950s, at the gramophone studios of Europa film. In 1976 Palmcrantz recorded Sweden’s best-selling jazz record of all time, Jazz at the Pawnshop. (Wikipedia)
Gert and I are making plans for new recordings. We share the same opinion on how the perfect sound should be.
The sound is at it´s best when it is natural and not to mixed or changed.
We where at radio Lidingö and recorded some new music and talked about the sounds and recordings.
It will be exciting to see what we can create.

Igår hade jag ett möte med Ljudlegendaren eller ”Ljudfadern”, Gert Palmcrantz.
Palmcrantz inledde sin karriär i slutet av 1950-talet på Europafilms  grammofonstudio. År 1976 spelade han in albumet Jazz at the Pawnshop som är Sveriges mest sålda jazzskiva någonsin och som fortfarande används som ljudreferens världen över. (wikipedia)
Gert och jag håller på att smida planer för nya inspelningar.  Vi delar åsikt om hur det perfekta ljudet ska låta.
Ljudet är som bäst när det är så naturligt, omixat och okonstlat som möjligt.
Vi var på Radio Lidingö och spelade in ny musik och pratade om ljud och inspelningar.
Det ska bli spännande att se vad vi kan skapa.


Gig in Göteborg with The Ullmans

This weekend I was in Göteborg with my brothers. We performed for a company named BASF where my sister works. We performed all day from 12 to 23 so it was one of my longest gigs ever!
It was to performances, one from 12 to 16 and the other at 19 to 23. The first gig made us nervous because just when we where about to start the electricity where overloaded in the tent and we had to wait so they could fix the problem.
Half an hour later the electricity was back and we could play.
The other gig was in big a restaurant where they had cars all ower the place. The company sell spray paint for cars, that´s why they had all cars there.
It was a nice gig. It is to seldom I play with my brothers! We have so much fun when we hang out!