Tack alla som kom på konserten i Kungsholms kyrka! Det var riktigt kul! Claes Crona gillade flygeln, vilket märktes när han spelade. Jag var väldigt uppe i varv efter konserten, vilket jag brukar vara. Nu jobbar jag vidare med att släppa skivan på spotify, i-tunes m.m. Håller även på att lägga upp plan över spelningar och lite annat som kommer upp här snart…
Thank you everyone who attended to my concert this Sunday! It felt really good and the musicians where pleased. Now I´m working to get the music out on Spotify, i-tunes and I´m also making some other plans for the music…
Idag medverkade jag i radio P4, här är intervjun (34 minuter in i programmet):
this morning I was in the radio and they played the song ”Coming home” from my Album ”Shades of red”.
I recorded very good musicians on the cd: Janne Schaffer (who played with Abba, Ted Gärdestad), Roger Pontare (who won The Eurovision Song Contest 2 times) and Kenneth Gärdestad who wrote all the lyrics for Ted Gärdestad. There are also other god musicians who play Cello, Violin, Trombone, Piano, Bass, Drums and guitar.
The album is in the genre Singer Songwriting/pop.
My releaseconcert for my new album ”Shades of red” is On Sunday at 17 in Kungsholms Kyrka.
Come and join us!
svante Thuresson will be my guestartist.
På fredag blir det intervju i P4 kl. 10.00. Missa inte det om ni vill höra om skivan och skapandet kring den. Det kommer även att spelas några låtar från nya skivan ”Shades of Red”. Varenda kotte jag har pratat med på Sveriges radio (P1-4) har varit otroligt trevliga och personliga, därför känns det väldigt roligt att vara med just där. På lördag spelas någon av låtarna upp även i P2 Klingan. Återkommer med mer info om det senare.
Hoppas du är med mig på fredag.
On Friday I will be on Radio P4 at 10.00. There will be an intervju and they will play some songs from my new album.
Söndag den 12/4 kl. 17.00 i Kungsholms Kyrka är det dags för min releasekonsert för nya skivan ”Shades of red.”
Sofia Ullman – Sång
Claes Crona – Flygel
Emma Lindhamre – Cello
Gästartist: Svante Thuresson
Biljetter finns att köpa på Tickster:
På skivan medverkar b.la. Roger Pontare, Kenneth Gärdestad och Janne Schaffer.
Det har varit massor av jobb med skivan: skriva låtar, arra noter, spela in musiker, mixa, mastring, registrering och skivomslag. Nu är allt inskickat och skivan ska levereras strax innan konserten. 🙂
Här kommer låten ”A lifetime” från skivan. Den här låten har jag skrivit som en duett där jag sjunger tillsammans med Roger Pontare. Roger ville att låten skulle ha med ett asiatiskt instrument och han bad om en asiatisk harpa. Förutom det mäktiga orkesterarrangemanget ligger det nu asiatisk harpa och en tvärflöjt. Den här låten är väldigt musikalig, i övrigt är skivan i genren vispop. Här kommer det dramatiska slutet från ”A lifetime”:
My album is finished, yeah! It has been a lot of hard work such as Writing songs, scores, recording musicians, mixing, mastering, administrative and the look of the cover.
Above you can see one of the songs that I wrote. I sing it with the Swedish artist Roger Pontare who where the winner of Eurovision Song Contest two times.
This song is in the genre Musical but in general the album is in the genre Singer Songwriting pop.
Date for the releaseconcert is 12/4 17.00 at Kungsholms Kyrka. You can buy tickets at Tickster.se
I´m having a releaseconcert at 12 April, together with Svante Thuresson as guest artist. Claes Crona will play the Grand piano and Emma Lindhamre on Cello. It´s my first album and will be called ”Shades of red”. The music will be very personal, I recorded everything myself to make it really trustworthy and real. Great musicians are involved, musicians that I really admire for their presence and musicality. The Cd includes my latest song with Roger Pontare, the recordings I did with Janne Schaffer and also songs with Trombone and Cello. I hope you will join the concert at 12 of April.
You can buy tickets here:
There is a lot going on right now. I´m working on my new album.. It will be a releaseconcert in Kungsholms kyrka at 12 April together with a very popular jazzartist and a pianist and cellist.
This Thursday I had a performance with my songs in Sandsborg, and yesterday I played and sang in a church as a solist.
More info will be up soon about the releaseconcert.
I also started a new band called ”Purple snow”. It´s me and the guitarrist Jayce Landberg. We recorded a musicvideo in Sweisch that will be out soon. We have a little apetizer from the famous Roxette song ”it must have been love”. You can listen here:
I´m working on my new album.
It´s planned to be released 12 April and according to it I will have a concert.
The musicians on the album are carefully selected. Yesterday I spent all day on adding drums to the songs. The drummer Jonas Sjöblom did a great job, we mixed down 7 channels of drums. We still have some work to do on 2 more songs.
The album is very natural with not to many instruments and my voice will be in the front. I do the recordings myself but I have a producer (Björn Begdahl) that helps me with the Mastering and some of the mixing.
Many people asked me on the concerts to buy my cd and now you are able to do so. I´m excited about it!
Right now there is a lot to do.
I continue to work on my new album and on Saturday my cellist Emma Lindhamre will put cello on some of the songs.
I did a lot af arranging for this.
Some songs needs bass and guitar and I have two good musicians that will record it for me.
On Sunday I will play the piano for some singers on an anniversary so I have to practise a lot since one of them is singing opera. Besides that I have booked a concert with Roger Pontare and Claes Crona in Kungsholmens church. We will perform there next year so stay tuned for updates about it.