I love music

I had a meeting with my artist coach Micke Nystedt yesterday. It was about 8 month since we had our last meeting. I told him after the last meeting that I had some ideas that I wanted to try out before seeing him again. One of those ideas was to go to the audition to ”Talent 2012”. The thing was that there is no ”Talent 2012”, they put it down to create other entertainment programs. So my plan was crached. During the Autumn my music career was quite on hold. But now in the spring something happened that broke the ice, I had some performances, a music video is coming up and some secret projects, hihi.
On Tuesday I will play classical music at a funeral. It was quite long since I sang classical songs so I have practiced a lot on my classical voice. Mostly I sing in the popgenre. This weekend I try to have a weekend without practicing at all, just because I want to see what else I can do. It is really difficult. When I visit people I never see the difference in their houses (if they even changed colours on the walls). The only thing I see is if they have any instruments at home. I call myself a real music nerd! But I am proud to be one!

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