
Berns yesterday

It was awhile since I wrote here, it has been quite much lately.
All hard work with the music has given results! After performing in Malmö I went off to Blidö, (My mum´s summerhouse) to relax for a week.
Yesterday I performed at Berns. The sound was great and the grand piano was lovely! The soundcheck was quite fun cause the sound electrician didn´t find the on – button on the piano so I had to show him. It has never ever happened before. 🙂
He was really good and gave me the perfect sound. I talked to him and he told me he is touring with Robyn and that she has one technician for each instrument! That is really something!
I´m glad to be solo, makes things more easy. 🙂

I played from 22.30 til one with some breaks between. It was quite much people and everyone was from Statoil because it was a company event. Afterwards I got nice comments from the audience and then they let the party-people in outside the event and started the dancefloor.
I don´t really like the superficiality that is out there so I took off after talking to the really nice people on the event.
The lighting technician was a really kind person that performed with really nice artists. I like to talk to people that are down to earth and has a good taste in music. 🙂
It took really long time to get home yesterday. I was home around four so I am really tired today. Actually I should practice piano for 2,5 hours but I don´t have the strenght to do it today. I think it can be good for the developement to have small breakes sometimes.
I am so happy to have my music! Love it!

Performing at Berns 9/10

Performing at Berns 9/10


Performance in Malmö

My performances this week went well. I was in Kista at a Fair and sang some songs through CMC music, wich is a artist booking agency. They liked it and wanted me to come back so I performed on Thursday too. The purpose of the performance was to get booking for more gigs from the people circling round on the Fair.
Now I am back home from a funeral. I played Gärdestad songs and some flute.
I have this evening to relax and then tomorrow I will take the train to Malmö to play at a party after Swedish Song Contest. It has really been much this week and I need to take a break after this but right now I need to rehearsal some songs for tomorrow cause I have to play for a couple of hours.
But still, I love what I do!


Performances this week

I´ve got a busy week coming up! Tomorrow I will play the piano in Hallonbergen, Tuesday I work at Fridhemsplan and then I will go and have a meeting with CMC music. CMC is the greatest artist – boking agency in Sweden. I will probably play a few songs too.
Then the week continues with playing the piano, perform on a funeral and on Saturday I´m going to Malmö to play at a party after Swedish Song Contest.
It´really fun! I´m gonna stay at a hotel and play for three hours for the guests.


So good, Bratz (Rock Angels)

This is my version of the song ”So good”. The original song is from a japanees children´s tv-program called ”Bratz”.
This is the Sofia Ullman version with cello.


More songs

I have a quite busy period right now. On Sunday I´play in a church as a soloist. I will sing some pieces, play the piano and the crossflute. Next week there are a funeral and another ”soloistmission”.
I will dedicate this weekend to practice.
Besides that I´m trying to learn Chopin ”Fantasi Impromptu” on piano. It´s quite hard and will take awhile. Especially if I want to play it without scores.
I wrote two new songs in two weeks. I have the melodi and the chords but the words are missing. I sent the songs to a very talented writer and musician to take a look at.
I hope inspiration will come.


Concert 9/1 2013

One of my first concerts this year is tomorrow when I will play the piano, flute and sing with a choir. I will play the piano on 2 Christmas songs, improvise some flute and sing solo with the choir behind.
I think it will be lovely. I haven´t met them yet. I got the scores a month ago to practice at home and tomorrow we will put everything together.
If you didn´t see my new musicvideo, watch it here:


The day before New Year

I have been without my piano in 3 days. When I saw it again it was like heaven.
I practice Chopin and Grieg right now but mostly I have to practise for my next concert in January.
I will play the piano, crossflute and sing Christmas songs. I think I will mix the chords with scores for it to sound as good as possible. My flute is on repair so I have to wait for it and play on another flute meanwhile. When I get it back it will sound like a new flute I hope.
I´ve noticed my forearm is really tense right now from all practise. But it´s so fun to play so I can´t stop. Tomorrow it´s New Years Eve.
Happy new year everyone!


”If I say So!”

This is my latest musicvideo ”If I say so”.
I recorded it in Linköping. First we filmed were outside a monastery. I danced to a cd-player with the song ”If I say so” and jumped around on rocks. After awhile some angry people came out and told us they wanted to be alone in the monastery. We continued to film in a hospital. I jumped up from a dustbin and danced in a tunnel. We also filmed some scenes outside. It was really cold!
I danced around in Linköping while people stared at us. I was kind of crazy jumped around on everything. 🙂
I also found a friend that wanted to join me in the video.
I composed the song and Anders Dannvik produced it. Anders is known for writing songs to the Song Contest.
Fredrik Ek filmed it.
Check it out!


A musician will never be complete

My music video with Janne Schaffer is finally about to be finished. I saw a piece from it yesterday and there are some thing that´needs to be edited before it´s ready.
I´m planning for the release concert on this video. I think it may take awhile to arrange but next year it will be a release.
I work a lot on my piano skills right now. The more I play the more I think I need to learn. Musician will never be completed with their skills. That´s what I love, there are always more to learn.
I think a good way to develope as a musician is to listen to a really good song and play along, using your ear.


New material

Last week I had a whole week of writing new material. I got inspiration from Michael Ruff, Alicia Keys, Regina Spector, Phil Collins and others. It´s hard to find artists that do what I do, sit by the piano and sing their own songs. Especially in Sweden…..
I have two new songs now. 🙂