
Recordings with Pontare

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I have a busy week coming up. Roger Pontare (winner of the Swedish Song contest two times) was here on Thursday and he recorded a part to a new song I composed. The song sounds like a musical work, it has two vocal parts and cello, harp, strings, piano, flute and asian klocks. I composed and recorded it all and I think I have about 5 versions of it now….
He sang his part very freely and natural and it sounded very elegant and lively. At the end he decorated the song with some free vocals. That was really nice. I have a part in the song too and our vocals will complete eachother. At the end we finish it together.

I have four concerts in July and August. I will play some well known material and some new songs. Emma Lindhamre will join me in two of them on Cello.
Tomorrow I will have two people here that are filming a video about homeless people. They want me to compose a song for it.
I have a song prepared for them. It is a very sensitive theme to compose a song about homelessness and I hope to do it justice.
I also had a request from the radio in Järfälla to sing one of Ted Gärdestads songs, so I have to record it pretty soon….


New projects

Easter break is here. I will focus a lot on new songs and two programs for the Summer.
The first program is for my performances at churches. I will have three performances, one with my cellist Emma Lindhamre.
We will play famous singer songwriting songs and some of my material.
The second program is for my performance togheter with Roger Pontare and Claes Crona. It will be really fun to have a show with them. Last year I played a few songs before their performance but this year we´re doing it togheter. I´m looking forward to it. I will put together a program with singer/songwriting and jazz songs and I might pic some songs that Roger and I can sing together. I composed a song for us too.
Another subject I´m working on is a new band I started with the artist Jayce Landberg. We have a song that we will do a musicvideo of. We´re planning a lot for the video. It´s nice to have someone to cooperate with cause I often do everything by myself since I am a soloartist and play the piano and sing myself.


Dangerous dancing

Hi! I´m sorry I didn´t write for such a long time! Last week I had an accident.
I was taking my dance classes as usual and on the third class I danced house. The teacher told us to go down on the floor and do some freestyle exercises. I danced and danced and suddenly I felt a shoe coming straight at my face with a hugh force!
I sat down and my nose started to bleed. In a moment I had the whole dance-class standing around me in a circle. They gave me paper and patch. It continued bleeding for awhile and it felt really scary. My nose got a wound and it was sore.
The days after it continued being sore and I got blue/purple marks under my eyes. I saw the doctor and he told me nothing was broken so I´m really glad. Now I feel normal again but it took awhile and on top of that I got a cold.
Now I can come back to reality and music again and I will definitly go back to dancing despite what happened!


Performing at Berns, Waterfront and a church

After the gig with love songs I performed at a funeral. The Cantor was ill so I had to play with another Cantor who really had no clue about modern music. The only songs he could play where hymns. I gave him two famous musical songs (Guldet blev till sand, Gabriellas sång) and he played them very strange. He didn´t play the chords that was written down and he played both songs as hymns. I tried to follow him with my song. Though it was really hard and I thought the Assembly would complain – but they loved it! Amazing!!
After that I had a performance on Friday playing at Swedish ”Chef of the year”. I played jazzsongs for 3 hours at Waterfront in Stockholm and then I had a break and continued playing more popsongs at Berns. The owner and Founder of the Beer Spendrups, Spendrups himself came up on stage and introduced the winner of this competition after my performance.
I think this was my longest performance totally since I played over four hours all by myself sitting by the piano during the day.


To excited after gigs!

Yesterday I had a performance on a charity in Stockholm. I played and sang lovesongs, since it´s Valentine´s day very soon.
I played very known songs in swedish and some english. The audience seemed to like it and I liked it so much that when I got back home I had a really hard time calming down.
I tried to drink tea, reed a book, watch tv, listen to something boring, tence myself and then relax, play with my mobile… I tried a lot but still I was to excited to get to sleep. This night I sleept like 2 hours so I´m really tired now!
It´s not the first time this happens and every time I wonder how! How does people calm down after gigs?? Seem to be impossible…
I have three more gigs this week and I hope it will be easier to be relaxed after. I really love to perform, maybe a little to much…? Or is this some kind of after-nervous reaction…?


Sofia Ullman on the Radio

Tonight at 22.00 I´m preforming on Radio Järfälla. I´m gonna sing ”Happy new year” by ABBA. You can listen on 94.2 or go to
http://jarfallaradio.se/ to listen on the internet.



During Christmas I have been quite realxed and just calmed myself down after concerts and other.
I have put most energy on composing instead of practicing the piano. I composed three new songs, which I´m really proud of.
One of them are so emotional that I can´t sing it without bursting into tears.. yet.. But the best songs are the real ones.
Now it´s a new term and I´m taking up some projects. I´m looking forward to new concerts, new contacts, new musicpartners, new songs and maybe a musicvideo or two….


Christmas soon! Yeeeeaaah!

Yesterday I performed in a Cherity Organisation in Stockholm. I played the piano with children singing Christmas Carols.
The show ended with me singin ”O helga natt”.
Now there´s only this week left and then I will have Christmas holiday. On Thursday I´m playing classical piano for people dancing and on Friday I´m playing piano again in a church. Lots of Christmas Carols.
Then I will spend the Christmas with my family. I will try to get time to compose more songs to. I have just composed a new song but I´m really excited to come up with more material.


Playing at Waterfront tomorrow

Tomorrow I have a performance at Waterfront Hotel in Stockholm. i will play the piano and this time I´m not going to sing at all. It´s more common for me with gigs where I sing and play but I love the variation. This performance is for people walking by that wants to have some mingle music. The Company that hired me has arranged some gigs for me. Last time I played at Kungsholmen for SJ (who governs the trains), then I both played and sang. It´s really difficult to choose songs since I have so many scores to choose from!! I have to big jazzbooks and a lot af papers with songs and scores! I will try to get a little variation but mostly I will play peaces that people can recognize. I practised some hours today and it will be fun tomorrow. Unfortunately this gig is not public, it´s only for invited. But there will be more gigs…. 🙂